Originally Godshill Cherry Orchard, the name was changed in 2010 to Godshill Orchards when other top fruit trees were added to the cherry enterprise. These were mainly Apricot trees with a numbers of greengages, plums, apples and pluots (a hybrid of plum/apricot).
Fresh fruit is available from mid June through to August, and can be purchased from a selection of farm shops and farmers’ markets.
The Cherry orchard based in Godshill consists of 4000 trees & some 20 Â varieties including Bellise, Colney, Ferdouce, Folfer, Hertford, Kordia, Lapins, Merton Merchant. Merton Glory, Nimba, Pacific Red, Penny, Regina, Sasha, Stella, Summit, Starburst and Stardust.

The apricot orchard based at Adgestone, some 15 minutes away from Godshill Village consists of some 4000 trees including Sunnycot, Tomcot, Flavourcot, Ladycot, Perlecot and Digat

Plums – Greengages – Pluots – Apples
These are mostly based at Godshill, the plums being Opal & Pershore, the greengages being Violette & Golden Drop, the pluots being Flavour King and Florentine, the apples being Bramley and some old English varieties.
Pumpkins have seem a great surge in interest over the last few years and we have specialised in the larger and more ornamental varieties.

Traditionally we have grown Pinks and Sunflowers. More recently we have specialised in Lavender and Peonies.

Christmas Trees
We grow a small plantation of large and specialist Christmas trees for the local market.